Document Management System

Handling the documents are easier now.

Our Document Management System is designed to meets your business’ unique needs and challenges without any expensive system setup and time-consuming training. Increase your organization’s efficiency and productivity while decreasing your risk with Idaksh Document Management System. Our Document Management Software helps Less time is spent locating the documents as they can be retrieved without leaving a desk. Users can also access other systems available from the desktop at the same time as retrieving documents.

Our Document Management System can provide better, more flexible control over sensitive documents. Our DMS solutions allow access to documents to be controlled at the folder and/or document level for different groups and individuals. Our DMS Software provides the improved security like different levels of privileages for Admin and Staffs. Lost documents can be expensive and time-consuming to replace. Within a DMS, imaged documents remain centrally stored when being viewed, so none are lost or misplaced. New documents are less likely to be incorrectly filed and even if incorrectly stored can be quickly and easily found.

The reduced time to complete processes provided by the tangible advantages, improves the day to day operations of all functions within an organization, leading to an improved flow of information, an increased perception of staff.

Core Feature



Project Workflow

Document Management System Module for Uploading FilesModule for Upload Files:

The File Upload feature allows the user to upload the file directly to the server. In the Server Document maintained and managed in the secure manner.

Document Management System File ManagementFile Management:

The File management feature allows the Users and Managers to effectively manage the files. It allows the user or administrator to Add, delete and manipulate the files.

Document Management System Bulk UploadBulk Upload

document uploading is the time-consuming process in a serial manner, so Bulk upload facility facilities multiple uploads of the documents.

Document Management System Folder ManagementFolder Management:

Folder Management allows the user or administrator to manage the files effectively. The folder management used to structuring the documents in a sensible manner.

Document Management System File SecurityFile Security

File security is allows to store the document in server in stored in a secure manner. User’s needs authentication for manipulating and doing other file operation.

User Management

The User management allows the Administrator to manage the users in effective way. He can give the role to the Users as Administrator or Staff. He can Grant and Revoke the permissions of users.

Document Search Engine:

The Document Search Engine allows the User or Administrator to search the files recursively. This feature allows searching of the particular document made simple and easy manner.

Document Management System Document Classes Tag ManagementDocument Classes / Tag Management

The Document can be stored and tagged in with different Document classes include for example: Invoice, PO and Shipment. It’s helpful for a company to store it’s document in different category.

Document Management System User Role ManagementUser Role Management

Role management allows efficiently and effectively manage the users. This feature allows set the custom-tailored abilities for each and every user to give them permission to access document resource based on their role.

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