Shop Billing Software

A Perfect Billing Solution for your shop.

Shop billing software designed to meet the fast billing of purchase and sales of different shops which is very convenient and reliable and fast, suitable in general store and retail shops etc.  Here it have provision for reverse and forward billing system which you can choose whichever suits,  Forward billing system bill calculation decides on basic rate of product  where as Reverse billing system  calculation decides on net rate and basic rate automatically calculated. In every sales or purchase of goods it tracks the payment logs of customer, so it easy to track pending balance. It also saves time while adding products, instead of adding product one by one , you can have provision  for upload bulk products through excel.  Discount provision available for order management. Different report are available to track every order and purchase, also tracks all GST data.

Product Billing and Inventory


Sales ReportSales reports

Which covers all sales value along with GST and filtering option according to date.

Purchase ReportsPurchase reports

Which covers all purchase value with GST and filtering option according to date.

Profit Loss Rep[ortsProfit and loss reports

Gives the Detailed Profit and loss reports with date filtering option.

Payment to collect reports

It keeps tracks of payment pending of a customer with order id with advanced filtering option.

Payment to ReportsPayment to pay reports

It keeps tracks records of payment pending to a supplier with advanced filtering option.

Create and Manage PurchasesCreate and Manage Purchases

Purchase management allows creating and managing the purchases like GST and other Billing information.

Product Management:

Product management enables to manage the products like Searching with the advanced filter options, view the list of products and delete the products, it makes product management efficient and effective.

Purchase RegisterPurchase register

Purchase register report which is used for CA or Accountants which contains purchase related data with total value and GST separated values where they can upload for their tally software.

Sales register

Sale register report which is used for CA or Accountants which contains sales related data with total value and GST separated values where they can upload for their tally software.

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